Der Spiegel

Bundesregierung hat bislang kaum Informationen über Long Covid

Long COVID sufferer Pedro Sanchez-Vicente, a 56-year-old event organiser, poses for a photograph taken through blue plastic, in Madrid, Spain, March 17, 2021. The photograph was taken through blue plastic to visualise the effects of long COVID. Sanchez-Vicente spent 100 days intubated in an ICU unit after getting infected with COVID in March, 2020. But after his release from the hospital he started developing many of the symptoms associated with long COVID. "I'm not your typical long COVID case, because most of those patients haven't been hospitalised or not for too long, unlike me. But I share with them the mental mist, the paresthesia, the hearing problems, conjunctivitis, eye herpes. You could say I'm a hybrid," he said. When Sanchez-Vicente got transferred to a regular ward at the hospital, he spent most of his time in the armchair in his room, he was so weak he could barely stand up and laying down in bed for long periods of time was difficult. "When I returned home I saw the armchair my family had bought for me as a surprise. I have pretty much been living in that armchair for the past year. Even now I find myself sleeping in it for hours every night because I have difficulty breathing in bed." REUTERS/Susana Vera SEARCH "SPAIN LONGCOVID" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES

Der Spiegel • 12. April 2021

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